heloukee: Saturday
heloukee: Today will be amazing. I know it. #therestisnoise
heloukee: Oh lolz... Things to do while we wait.
heloukee: .@anneapplebaum on the political landscape of Europe 1930-50 #therestisnoise
heloukee: Backlash against the avant garde #socialrealism #didactic
heloukee: Nazi troops marching into Prague
heloukee: Q and A with @anneapplebaum #therestisnoise
heloukee: Chiara Ambrosia discussing Picasso's Guernica #therestisnoise
heloukee: "Pact with the Devil" - films Leni Riefenstahl made for Adolf Hitler
heloukee: We just watched a mind-blowing one man show: Shostakovich. Think I might need a cocktail...
heloukee: Jack Healy: Shostakovich #therestisnoise
heloukee: Nazi porno kitsch
heloukee: The Philosopher and The Deer Hunter
heloukee: Will Self on Kafka and telephones