Maple&Maple: 捷運/MRT
Maple&Maple: 台北車站/Taipei Station
Maple&Maple: 九份/Chiufen
Maple&Maple: 九份夜景/Nightscape of Chiufen
Maple&Maple: 九份的臭豆腐></Smelly Tofu
Maple&Maple: 早安,九份/Morning, Chiufen
Maple&Maple: 太魯閣/Taroko
Maple&Maple: 花蓮夜晚/Night in Hua-Lien
Maple&Maple: 目標:墾丁!/Target to Kenting
Maple&Maple: 墾丁的早晨/Morning in Kenting
Maple&Maple: 藍藍藍!/Just look at the sea!!!
Maple&Maple: 美麗的海灘/Marvellous beach
Maple&Maple: 透明無瑕/Immaculate
Maple&Maple: 鵝鑾鼻燈塔/Ngoluanpi
Maple&Maple: 鵝鑾鼻的海灘/Barrier Reed in South Cape
Maple&Maple: 鵝鑾鼻的海灘/Barrier Reed in South Cape
Maple&Maple: 行走其上/Rambling
Maple&Maple: 國立中山大學/NSYU
Maple&Maple: 向陽/Towards the Sun
Maple&Maple: 騎行高雄/Riding in Kao-hsiung
Maple&Maple: 鹿港小鎮的花/Lukang
Maple&Maple: 那些年……
Maple&Maple: 七星潭/Qixing Lake
Maple&Maple: 悅而躍!/1,2,3...Jump!
Maple&Maple: 大峡谷/canyon
Maple&Maple: 出发/departure
Maple&Maple: 台湾国立大学/NTU
Maple&Maple: 行走在台大/Roaming in NTU
Maple&Maple: 山城九份/Chiufen