Gypsysoul_: Bathroom Re-modeling
Gypsysoul_: The "before" picture
Gypsysoul_: Another "before" picture
Gypsysoul_: Before again
Gypsysoul_: Amy's butt
Gypsysoul_: The painting party
Gypsysoul_: Amy rockin' the paint brush
Gypsysoul_: Sarah too
Gypsysoul_: Dad mixing up the paint
Gypsysoul_: Are you sure this is the right color???
Gypsysoul_: Josh too!
Gypsysoul_: and Mom too!
Gypsysoul_: Painting Sweeney
Gypsysoul_: Now it's a party
Gypsysoul_: Men moving
Gypsysoul_: The new bathroom in progress
Gypsysoul_: Look what a coat of paint can do
Gypsysoul_: The morning of the floor
Gypsysoul_: Dad checking out the vanity top
Gypsysoul_: Teamwork
Gypsysoul_: And now the floor
Gypsysoul_: oops, caught me
Gypsysoul_: Laying it out
Gypsysoul_: Taking a break
Gypsysoul_: Beth and Keith stop by to help
Gypsysoul_: ..yeah i did
Gypsysoul_: Molly taking a snack break