Gypsysoul_: big head
Gypsysoul_: picture perfect
Gypsysoul_: sweeneys
Gypsysoul_: love notes
Gypsysoul_: love you baby
Gypsysoul_: cake kisses
Gypsysoul_: Lunch at Shula's
Gypsysoul_: hmmm Hogue
Gypsysoul_: blurry us
Gypsysoul_: Shula's Chicago
Gypsysoul_: Starting the Boat Tour
Gypsysoul_: "tell me about your mother"
Gypsysoul_: "I got the whole world in my hands"
Gypsysoul_: Sea dog himself
Gypsysoul_: Arggg Pirates
Gypsysoul_: Pirate Sweeney
Gypsysoul_: sailing
Gypsysoul_: rat of the sea