Gypsysoul_: Smile
Gypsysoul_: Sandra getting down to business
Gypsysoul_: Brant and his woman
Gypsysoul_: Me and Jennifer...blurry vision
Gypsysoul_: Sandra deciding on her next drink
Gypsysoul_: Cori close up
Gypsysoul_: Beverly
Gypsysoul_: Surprise and smile
Gypsysoul_: Melissa, Sandra B-day girl and Cori
Gypsysoul_: chug chug chug
Gypsysoul_: A birthday shot
Gypsysoul_: Bottoms up
Gypsysoul_: empty
Gypsysoul_: The sticker says it all
Gypsysoul_: Christinie-beanie and J-lo
Gypsysoul_: Extreme Ryan close up
Gypsysoul_: Another "hold-the-camera-and-shoot" pic