Year Three.
New specs. #povme
New specs. #povme
DP work zone, stage right
Worn out welcome
"How do you make toast?"
This week.
"What do you think of..."
Cup-a-Soup kinda week
TGIF data diving
Star Wars prop at Oakton PAC
so easy miso
TGIF homebound
Hardy har har #ramen.
To Do
Suggested vs. Done #FREEDOM
Saturday night.
Doing stuff. #tableau
Letter writing.
Weak wax. #letters G
Back in the Loop.
Dempster L stop. Getting it done before sundown. #Evanston
Eight items on a list for the Hardware Store. Basically. https://youtu.be/o7pVjl4Rrtc
NOLA 3/25/15, post to self "Where is my joy?"
carnivore comfort food #steak #potato #salad
calmate brunch kale salad and dissertation omelette
#dissertation #phdchat #pen #paper #logging
Crostini: leftover ribeye with Iberico Cheese, caramelized fennel, balsamic #midnight snack