@DrGarcia: Dolls
@DrGarcia: Schoolhouse
@DrGarcia: garage door
@DrGarcia: Chicken, donuts, and coffee
@DrGarcia: Stooge fiddle mural
@DrGarcia: playground
@DrGarcia: Watkins St.
@DrGarcia: mural art
@DrGarcia: missing home
@DrGarcia: est. 1985
@DrGarcia: SE sidewalk
@DrGarcia: Avengers
@DrGarcia: Indian-angel-tribute
@DrGarcia: Neverland
@DrGarcia: Italian American bakery
@DrGarcia: mural art #RAZA SE #Philly
@DrGarcia: Shoprite mural
@DrGarcia: screw you
@DrGarcia: temple at night
@DrGarcia: pole dancing classes
@DrGarcia: Fabric Row (?) in South Philly
@DrGarcia: the lost set from "The Wiz"
@DrGarcia: Dolls in windows, snow and the like.
@DrGarcia: Dolls in windows, snow and the like.
@DrGarcia: Dolls in windows, snow and the like.
@DrGarcia: mural
@DrGarcia: snow and mural
@DrGarcia: mural
@DrGarcia: mural
@DrGarcia: mural