my star stuff
preparations for zombie apocalypse
A White Halloween
snow as seen from the attic
Day Two of Work: Fuzzy on a Bus
Philly in the distance
Yesterday, in the park.
Tuesday's shoes
shades of beige and sock foot
Snow in a can
Sunday Brunch Super-sized: 26-egg frittata
I want my two dollars Canadalandia!
First Aid
My private concert hall
Anyname coffee shop in Anywhere USA
Ham! Not.
My blissfour ways.
Dear Santa
The North Pole?
Making a Christmas Treepee
Christmas Treepee (bizarre jelly fish pano)
Treepee (with filter to make it look even cooler)
Room One of Six, all wrecked
Four slats and 12 screws infrareded.
Five buns in my oven.
Beer grab-box.