charluna: Morning visitor
charluna: March 29 Night Sky
charluna: Cowgirl Olivia's 4th Birthday Party
charluna: My chili peppers.
charluna: My first harvest from my garden.
charluna: A new visitor
charluna: Hummingbirds At Feeder
charluna: House Finch
charluna: Western Tiger Swallowtail
charluna: Our first visitor to our toad and frog pond.
charluna: Rain refreshed flowers.
charluna: "I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief... For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free." ~Wendell Berry
charluna: The story of the eclipse as a flower would tell it.
charluna: I never noticed the tiny yellow stars at the center of my sunflowers.
charluna: Galloping Clouds
charluna: Summer Storm