gynsy75: Apple blossom
gynsy75: Tiny blossom
gynsy75: Close but no cigar
gynsy75: Leaning in
gynsy75: Catch me if you can
gynsy75: Buffet on a Daisy
gynsy75: A la Carte on a Daisy
gynsy75: Balancing on an edge
gynsy75: Oopsy daisy
gynsy75: Willow blossom
gynsy75: Willow in bloom
gynsy75: Dandelion pre-bloom
gynsy75: Field of dandelions
gynsy75: Sunset
gynsy75: Dandelion on fire
gynsy75: DSC_1916-2.jpg
gynsy75: Lonely lily
gynsy75: Anemone nemorosa
gynsy75: Anemone nemorosa
gynsy75: Frozen berry.
gynsy75: Twigs in water
gynsy75: Where have all the leaves gone?
gynsy75: Autumn by the sea.
gynsy75: Reed - black and white.
gynsy75: Reed.
gynsy75: Droplets in grass.
gynsy75: Droplets in grass - black and white.
gynsy75: Autumn path.
gynsy75: Autumn colors on the lakeside.
gynsy75: Autumn reflections, part 2.