GWP Photography: Old Meets New
GWP Photography: Old State House Boston
GWP Photography: The Freedom Trail
GWP Photography: Latin School
GWP Photography: Old City Hall - Boston
GWP Photography: Tombstone Epitaph
GWP Photography: Park Street Church
GWP Photography: Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial
GWP Photography: The House of Seven Gables
GWP Photography: House of Seven Gables
GWP Photography: The West India Goods Store
GWP Photography: Salem, MA
GWP Photography: The Hawkes House
GWP Photography: Custome House, Salem MA
GWP Photography: Hollingworth Tombstone
GWP Photography: Tombstone John Higginson
GWP Photography: Buildings by the Salem With Trials Memorial
GWP Photography: Salem Witch Trials Memorial
GWP Photography: Nick at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial
GWP Photography: Charter Street Cemetery - Salem, MA
GWP Photography: Old Town Hall, Salem MA
GWP Photography: Triceratops
GWP Photography: Flying Ford Anglia
GWP Photography: Boston Museum of Science
GWP Photography: USS Constitution
GWP Photography: Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge
GWP Photography: Zakim Bridge
GWP Photography: The Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge
GWP Photography: The Old North Church Boston