gwimages: 001 Denny's Waitress Carissa
gwimages: 002 of 100 Strangers, Steve
gwimages: 003 of 100 Strangers, Charles ($2 Portrait Project)
gwimages: 004-005 of 100 Strangers, Gilbert and Karen ($2 Portrait Project)
gwimages: 006 of 100 Strangers, Norman ($2 Porrait Project)
gwimages: 007 of 100 Strangers, John ($2 Portrait Project)
gwimages: 008 of 100 Strangers, Angelia from A Day in the Life Of, Day Two, No. 21
gwimages: 009 of 100 Strangers, Damon from A Day in the Life Of, Day Two, No. 37
gwimages: 010 of 100 Strangers, Glen No. 2
gwimages: 011 of 100 Strangers, Michael "Love the Lord" Lewis No. 1 ($2 Portrait Project)
gwimages: 012 of 100 Strangers, Jackie ($2 Portrait Project)
gwimages: 013 of 100 Strangers, Ronnie ($2 Portrait Project)
gwimages: 017 of 100 Strangers, Neal Armstrong
gwimages: 018 of 100 Strangers, Vina
gwimages: 016 of 100 Strangers, Unknown, ($2 Portrait Project)