gwilli: indonesia in the distance
gwilli: stormtroopers
gwilli: lifesize
gwilli: some island
gwilli: swensen's
gwilli: tie fighter
gwilli: wing clouds sea
gwilli: flower garlands
gwilli: hangy tree
gwilli: keong saik road
gwilli: national gallery singapore
gwilli: serangoon road
gwilli: plbthblthblth
gwilli: indian feast
gwilli: victoria theatre
gwilli: visiting the office
gwilli: thanks merlion!
gwilli: merlion's perch
gwilli: fellow tourists
gwilli: following tourists
gwilli: cloudy day
gwilli: many tourists
gwilli: more tourists
gwilli: tourists
gwilli: tourists and a merlion
gwilli: under bridges
gwilli: bridge, hotel, mall, science centre
gwilli: some architecture
gwilli: singapore skyline
gwilli: grand stands