mirka s.: St Thomas Church
mirka s.: Financial District
mirka s.: sunset in Dumbo
mirka s.: waiting for the best light
mirka s.: photo o'clock
mirka s.: ice cream under the bridge
mirka s.: Brooklyn Bridge
mirka s.: nice apartments
mirka s.: Brooklyn Bridge Park
mirka s.: Brooklyn Bridge Park
mirka s.: Statue of Liberty from Pier 3
mirka s.: Central Park
mirka s.: Central Park
mirka s.: Ellis
mirka s.: abandoned, yet so alive
mirka s.: NYC central library
mirka s.: Chambers St
mirka s.: Greenwich Village
mirka s.: shadows
mirka s.: vertical lines
mirka s.: biking in NYC
mirka s.: a trip to Broadway
mirka s.: biking to work is most pleasant in October
mirka s.: Union Square
mirka s.: shades of NYC
mirka s.: NYC is beautiful
mirka s.: Manhattan glitter