Gwendal_: Bêêêêêête en plumes aztek
Gwendal_: Hyakki Otter
Gwendal_: Bêêêêêête medievale
Gwendal_: George had the feeling he was being watched... by every feather on his tail
Gwendal_: Kappa
Gwendal_: Feather serpent exhaling breath elements
Gwendal_: Japanese Octopus and fish
Gwendal_: Tonatiuh
Gwendal_: Preclassic Centipede 1
Gwendal_: Shell carving of a centipede
Gwendal_: Cihuateteo / Cihuateotl - Borgia Codex 47
Gwendal_: Mayan Snake with breath scroll
Gwendal_: Mayan Boidae Snake
Gwendal_: Oiseau bleu azteque
Gwendal_: Uwan
Gwendal_: Ushi oni
Gwendal_: Squid Visions
Gwendal_: Amphisbaena