gwen: Not quite the lemon but I'm sure they're good
gwen: Madonna Inn
gwen: Pretty in pink
gwen: Madonna Inn, table detail
gwen: The little ones always doze off on the long drives
gwen: D'arby and Kelly
gwen: I forgot my tripod and shutter release. Oops.
gwen: Almost full moon over El Capitán State Beach
gwen: Campsite #59
gwen: And mission bells ring
gwen: Cheer up, emo kids!
gwen: D'arby and Kelly and the dolphin
gwen: If you want dinner, come back when it's cooler
gwen: For the boys of /net #mac: HABITBURGER
gwen: ...and then the Inca Kola appears
gwen: KOO-KIES!
gwen: Kelly on the dolphin-seal thing
gwen: You know you are in socal when...
gwen: Pigeoncide!
gwen: ¡SPONCH!
gwen: Baby, don't ya go, don't ya go to Goleta
gwen: Beach #1
gwen: Beach #2
gwen: That far left point is by Refugio
gwen: Sparkles
gwen: Kelly the photobomber
gwen: July 17: Chad, Gwen, Kelly, D'arby @ El Capitán
gwen: Men, men, men, men
gwen: Chad and Kelly and football
gwen: D'arby and Kelly