guy with cameras: Boba fett
guy with cameras: Boba Fett
guy with cameras: Jango Fett
guy with cameras: Sand Trooper
guy with cameras: Dark lord
guy with cameras: 3 of a kind
guy with cameras: Boba fett
guy with cameras: The Frog
guy with cameras: i want you
guy with cameras: dude run!
guy with cameras: evil bitch with a gun
guy with cameras: I will crush you
guy with cameras: I'm going to tear you apart
guy with cameras: seeing Red
guy with cameras: you will be mine
guy with cameras: Why the sad face
guy with cameras: well this sucks
guy with cameras: who's Bad? I'm Bad!
guy with cameras: we're here to make your life better.
guy with cameras: well Duh!
guy with cameras: smartest guy in the room
guy with cameras: I hate Monday
guy with cameras: I'm not made for this.
guy with cameras: It's all just black and white to me.
guy with cameras: HE SAID WHAT !! I"M GOING TO KICK HIS