Gwaur: 9/9 would wear
Gwaur: QB & Little Madoka
Gwaur: Yamacon's mascot
Gwaur: Kuroneko & Kirino
Gwaur: Come on with the slide design
Gwaur: Dress and its integrated personal space
Gwaur: Zelda and his ocarina
Gwaur: Some imposter & Madoka
Gwaur: Would have that on my car (if I had a car)
Gwaur: Car of a man with good taste
Gwaur: Haruhi & pets
Gwaur: Objection!
Gwaur: Len & Miku
Gwaur: Okabe
Gwaur: Makise
Gwaur: Homura & Yamacon's mascot
Gwaur: Time dilation!
Gwaur: Cosplay polaroid - This is the original Hipstamatic/Instagram!
Gwaur: Welp!
Gwaur: Suddenly, horns everywhere
Gwaur: Miku
Gwaur: At this point I realized I was taking pictures with the wrong white balance
Gwaur: Sayaka playing a game
Gwaur: Kyouko
Gwaur: Marisa
Gwaur: Mei