GVSHP: The crowd at 111 East 10th Street for the Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Andrew Berman, Village Preservation Executive Director, at Saul Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Andrew Berman, Village Preservation Executive Director, speaking at Saul Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Andrew Berman speaking, with Marilyn Appleberg (in hat) and Margit Erb (at left) at Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Andrew Berman, Village Preservation Executive Director, speaking at Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Margit Erb, founder and director of the Saul Leiter Foundation, at the plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Margit Erb, founder and director of the Saul Leiter Foundation, speaking at Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Margit Erb, founder and director of the Saul Leiter Foundation, at Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Vince Aletti, art critic and curator, speaking at Saul Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Vince Aletti, art critic and curator, with Andrew Berman at Saul Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Marilyn Appleberg, author, community leader, and neighbor of Leiter, with Andrew Berman at plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Andrew Berman introducing Marilyn Appleberg, author, community leader, and neighbor of Leiter, at plaque unveiling
GVSHP: The crowd gathered for Saul Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Unveiling the Saul Leiter plaque
GVSHP: The plaque honoring Saul Leiter
GVSHP: From left: Andrew Berman, Vince Aletti, Margit Erb, and Marilyn Appleberg at Saul Leiter plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Viewing Saul Leiter's work at plaque unveiling
GVSHP: Saul Leiter’s “Taxi” was among his works on display at the unveiling
GVSHP: Vince Aletti and Margit Erb at Saul Leiter plaque unveiling