Gimel Vav: Hastings
Gimel Vav: Wheelbarrow
Gimel Vav: Walgreens
Gimel Vav: Fence
Gimel Vav: Hastings
Gimel Vav: Round Rock Waterfall
Gimel Vav: Construction
Gimel Vav: Storage
Gimel Vav: Real People Eat Meat
Gimel Vav: Rudy's Bulletin Board
Gimel Vav: Parking Trees
Gimel Vav: Old Settlers Lake
Gimel Vav: Old Settlers Lake
Gimel Vav: Calvary Double
Gimel Vav: Old Settlers Lake
Gimel Vav: Pier of Paradise
Gimel Vav: Parking Building
Gimel Vav: Rainy Day on Parking Structure
Gimel Vav: Gigantic Fan of Death
Gimel Vav: Bridge of Paradise
Gimel Vav: This Way Please
Gimel Vav: Stripes and Pipes
Gimel Vav: Quick Hill
Gimel Vav: Near Quick Hill
Gimel Vav: Top of the Structure
Gimel Vav: Apartments Near La Frontera
Gimel Vav: L3 Leave Me Be
Gimel Vav: Parking Structure Double Exposure
Gimel Vav: LC-A+ in Front, Building in Back
Gimel Vav: Fire Hydrant