ReyGuy: Flowing robe
ReyGuy: Wife Gable
ReyGuy: EL with robe
ReyGuy: Bowl with golf ball
ReyGuy: Angel arm: amputated
ReyGuy: bee on an angel's nose
ReyGuy: Confederate shading his eyes
ReyGuy: At Rest
ReyGuy: Angel face
ReyGuy: Robes
ReyGuy: stone berries
ReyGuy: Passed away
ReyGuy: Historical marker
ReyGuy: shadows on headstone
ReyGuy: Hand
ReyGuy: fence and foliage
ReyGuy: Lichen
ReyGuy: Fence
ReyGuy: grass shadow and lichens
ReyGuy: white bowl, black headstone
ReyGuy: Passed away & freshly turned dirt
ReyGuy: Crucifix with tree saw bw
ReyGuy: Chain links bw
ReyGuy: Crepe myrtle bw
ReyGuy: Angel
ReyGuy: Argus circle view
ReyGuy: Bench with grapes bw
ReyGuy: Berries
ReyGuy: E with lichens
ReyGuy: Where is Thumpkin? Where is Thumpkin?