Guyro Perriman: Shorn v unshorn, Tukidale sheep
Guyro Perriman: Tukidale sheep grazing - Tuki Trout Farm, Smeaton Victoria
Guyro Perriman: Old volcanic hills, Smeaton Victoria Australia
Guyro Perriman: Hay for sale, Smeaton Victoria
Guyro Perriman: Rainbow landscape - Smeaton Victoria
Guyro Perriman: Double rainbow over hills and hay truck, Smeaton Victoria
Guyro Perriman: Smeaton Volcanic Hills
Guyro Perriman: Dalwhinnie Winery - Lazy afternoon deck view
Guyro Perriman: Dalwhinnie Winery - Autumn colours.
Guyro Perriman: Warrenmang Vineyard & Resort - Autumn colours
Guyro Perriman: Waubru Wind Farm, Victoria
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8324 When bush and improved pastures meet
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8417 Border Collie cattle dog
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8427 On guard
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8446 Croplands Quantum Mist spray rig for vineyards
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8455 Gums arch over vineyard
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8521 Vegetable seedling production
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8535 Onions seedling spraying
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8589 Lush pasture conditions
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8590 A pen of ewes
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8610 A paddock of fat lambs
Guyro Perriman: IMG_8395 Old vice & Mobil box of oil
Guyro Perriman: 087A0475 Road of red
Guyro Perriman: 087A0480 Ready to be picked
Guyro Perriman: 087A0481 Pink Lady apple ready for picking
Guyro Perriman: 087A0492 Shearing shed scene Maddens Rise
Guyro Perriman: 087A0506 Maddens Rise Cabernet Sauvignon
Guyro Perriman: 087A0510 Yarra Valley autumn scene
Guyro Perriman: 087A0514 Golden vineyard, cloudy skies
Guyro Perriman: 087A0536 Old tree vineyard