Guy Lacroix: Harris' Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) Harris' Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)
Guy Lacroix: Do you sometimes feel like someone is watching you? Osprey, Pandion Haliaetus, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Gavilán Pescador
Guy Lacroix: Grey Hawk (Buteo nitidus)
Guy Lacroix: Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Chick
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Pandion Haliaetus
Guy Lacroix: Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Chick
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Pandion Haliaetus Celebrating the arrival of the New Year
Guy Lacroix: Ferruginous Hawk, Buse Rouilleuse, Aguililla Real, Buteo Regalis
Guy Lacroix: Harris' Hawk, Buse de Harris, Parabuteo Unicinctus
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Pandion Haliaetus
Guy Lacroix: Red-tailed Hawk (Young), Buse à queue rousse, Aguililla Cola Roja,Buteo jamaicensis
Guy Lacroix: Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
Guy Lacroix: Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
Guy Lacroix: Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Pandion Haliaetus, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Gavilán Pescador
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Águila Pescadora / Gavilán Pescador. *
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Águila Pescadora / Gavilán Pescador
Guy Lacroix: Osprey calling from atop a utility pole. Osprey, Pandion Haliaetus, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Gavilán Pescador
Guy Lacroix: Osprey, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Pandion Haliaetus, Gavilán Pescador
Guy Lacroix: Is that the look his prey sees just before being snatched. Osprey, Pandion Haliaetus, Balbuzard Pêcheur, Gavilán Pescador Photographed in the wild, Florida, USA.
Guy Lacroix: Great Horned Owl, Bubo Virginianus, Grand-duc d'Amérique, Búsho Cornudo
Guy Lacroix: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Guy Lacroix: Great Horned Owl, Bubo Virginianus, Grand-duc d'Amérique, Búsho Cornudo
Guy Lacroix: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Guy Lacroix: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Guy Lacroix: Great Horned Owl, Bubo Virginianus, Grand-duc d'Amérique, Búsho Cornudo
Guy Lacroix: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Guy Lacroix: Great Horned Owl, Bubo Virginianus, Grand-duc d'Amérique, Búsho Cornudo
Guy Lacroix: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Guy Lacroix: Great Horned Owl (Chicks), Grand-duc d'Amérique, Búho Cornudo, Bubo virginianus