Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Members of the "Journey for Peace" Delegation, Torgau, East Germany, April 1985
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Senator William Fulbright, National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, 1985
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Joanne Woodward at the National Women's Conference to Prevent Nuclear War, Washington, DC, 1984
Guy Clinch: Actress Joanne Woodward Introducing Charolett Baker at the National Women's Conference to Prevent Nuclear War, Washington, DC, 1984
Guy Clinch: Gaza Strip, Palestine, 1990
Guy Clinch: Actress Sally Field Speaking at Press Conference to Publicize the "National Women's Confernece to Prevent Nuclear War", Madison Hotel, Washington, DC, Spring 1984
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Members of the "Journey for Peace" Delegation and East German Children, Torgau, East Germany, April 25, 1985
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 1990
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker Escorts Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres to Middle East Peace Awards Dinner, Washington, DC, May 1994
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Former U.N. Deputy Secretary Robert Muller during a Pax World Service Sustainable Development Project in Costa Rica, 1993
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker Speaking at Middle East Peace Awards Dinner that Honored Israeli, Palestinian, and Norwegian Diplomats Who Brought about the Oslo Peace Accords, Washington, DC, May 1994
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Zoya Zarubina, Who Served as Interpreter for Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt at Yalta in 1945. The photo was taken in Moscow, Russia, September 1991.
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker Digs Hole for Tree Planting during a Pax World Service Sustainable Development Project, Antigua, 1993
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres and Rep. John Anderson, Jerusalem, 1992
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Sen. George McGovern at a Reception in His Honor before His Departure as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Agency for Food & Agriculture, 1998
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with U.S. Delegation of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Citizens' Dialogue and Natalya Seminikina, Moscow, Russia, September 1981.
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Rep. John Anderson and Sen. Charles Percy, Washington, DC, 1992.
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker with Sen. George McGovern and Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, Middle East Peace Awards Dinner, Washington, DC, May 1994. It was during the reception prior to the formal dinner honoring the Israelies, Norwgegians, and Palestinians inv
Guy Clinch: Highlight from the Selfless Career of Charolett Baker
Guy Clinch: Highlight from the Selfless Career of Charolett Baker
Guy Clinch: Highlight from the Selfless Career of Charolett Baker
Guy Clinch: Highlight from the Selfless Career of Charolett Baker
Guy Clinch: Highlight from the Selfless Career of Charolett Baker
Guy Clinch: Charolett Baker Looking on as Elliott Ratzman Talks with Shimon Peres, circa 1994, Washington, DC