Gutnix: Side aisle - looking to the east choir
Gutnix: Interior details (1)
Gutnix: Interior details (2)
Gutnix: Stained glass window
Gutnix: St. Aegidius (1), altar room
Gutnix: St. Aegidius (2), organ
Gutnix: St. Aegidius (3), babtistery
Gutnix: St. Aegidius (4), side aisle
Gutnix: St. Aegidius (5), detail at the stairs up to the pulpit
Gutnix: St. Aegidius (6), sculptures over the babtistery
Gutnix: Water powered?
Gutnix: Paperlights
Gutnix: Watching the boats
Gutnix: Watching the boat