guthriew: Gruesome sketch
guthriew: Drunk moron eel cut
guthriew: The weight of the world
guthriew: Miss Kitten - fetish fiasco - 28.07.08
guthriew: marshal man - 23.09.08
guthriew: the tech guy who lives in the draw
guthriew: Room for another 100
guthriew: baamas
guthriew: catmas
guthriew: cowmas 02
guthriew: moosemas
guthriew: sockmas father crimbo
guthriew: sockmas snowman
guthriew: Miss Kitten in fur
guthriew: the funeral director
guthriew: hat and shovel
guthriew: rabbit in a barrel
guthriew: the embalmer
guthriew: G is for gruesome
guthriew: sketchy albert
guthriew: Study of mutes
guthriew: G is for Gruesome 7
guthriew: funeral director v02 02.03.09
guthriew: funeral director version 2
guthriew: iphone window
guthriew: Lux Interior sketch
guthriew: Lux Interior 28.03.09
guthriew: Cyber tutorial painting (30.05.09)
guthriew: sketch-cyber-05.06-fin-comp
guthriew: down the rabbit hole