Smoken Mirror: Smudge
Smoken Mirror: Landscape in miniature
Smoken Mirror: Coffee rock art
Smoken Mirror: A big benis
Smoken Mirror: Rusty rocks
Smoken Mirror: The ancient mariner
Smoken Mirror: Old timers
Smoken Mirror: Stuck in the mud
Smoken Mirror: Static
Smoken Mirror: Curls in the sand
Smoken Mirror: Ripples in time
Smoken Mirror: Water, earth, fire and air
Smoken Mirror: Group effort
Smoken Mirror: Beachy peachy
Smoken Mirror: Fringe
Smoken Mirror: Grasshopper
Smoken Mirror: Melaluca tangle
Smoken Mirror: There were 9 in the bed, and the little one said
Smoken Mirror: Spattered
Smoken Mirror: From this one to that
Smoken Mirror: The world of the hat
Smoken Mirror: Here's to you
Smoken Mirror: Ok, ok, I won't enter. Sheesh.
Smoken Mirror: Thou shalt not pass
Smoken Mirror: Beach cerlews
Smoken Mirror: Beach cerlew
Smoken Mirror: Two birds
Smoken Mirror: Just a dune
Smoken Mirror: The eye
Smoken Mirror: Crab nebula