Smoken Mirror:
Baby frog #1
Smoken Mirror:
Baby frog #2
Smoken Mirror:
Peace in the valley
Smoken Mirror:
Field of dreams
Smoken Mirror:
Smoken Mirror:
Lost World
Smoken Mirror:
Horse in the mist 1
Smoken Mirror:
Horse in the mist 2
Smoken Mirror:
How will the cows know when to come home?
Smoken Mirror:
Smoken Mirror:
Hangers on
Smoken Mirror:
Bovine wisdom
Smoken Mirror:
Angle of the Dangle
Smoken Mirror:
Omp. Because you can.
Smoken Mirror:
How now
Smoken Mirror:
Heavenly Bovine
Smoken Mirror:
And a bird flew over
Smoken Mirror:
Cows in the mist
Smoken Mirror:
Water spider
Smoken Mirror:
Causing ripples
Smoken Mirror:
Surface tension
Smoken Mirror:
Join the dots
Smoken Mirror:
Of barbs and silk
Smoken Mirror:
Little web
Smoken Mirror:
Morning star
Smoken Mirror:
Bug on a blade
Smoken Mirror:
Perfect perch
Smoken Mirror:
His favourite mountain side
Smoken Mirror:
From the river bank in the forest
Smoken Mirror:
The Mighty Albert River