Smoken Mirror: Munchies
Smoken Mirror: The trio
Smoken Mirror: Basking
Smoken Mirror: Who said trees don't have brains?
Smoken Mirror: Huddle & Cuddle
Smoken Mirror: Parasol
Smoken Mirror: Listen
Smoken Mirror: Round table
Smoken Mirror: Little goblets
Smoken Mirror: Mushy kiss
Smoken Mirror: Buddies
Smoken Mirror: Two Small Shrooms
Smoken Mirror: Impact in 3, 2, 1...
Smoken Mirror: Impact
Smoken Mirror: Big smoothie
Smoken Mirror: One voice
Smoken Mirror: Shroom with a view
Smoken Mirror: With stars in their eyes
Smoken Mirror: Big Red
Smoken Mirror: Stand tall. And sticky, and red.
Smoken Mirror: So good you could eat it?
Smoken Mirror: Crazy looking fungus thing
Smoken Mirror: Not fooling anyone
Smoken Mirror: You cannot polish a turd...
Smoken Mirror: Cap of pearls
Smoken Mirror: Cap of pearls
Smoken Mirror: As a lotus blooms from mud...