gustav.thoresson: Johan Jamming on the fist part of the "stora väggen" in Utby
gustav.thoresson: Applying chalk
gustav.thoresson: Gustav taking a break during the ascends
gustav.thoresson: Olof leading at one of the walls in Utby
gustav.thoresson: Johan solving a problem at the "nose"
gustav.thoresson: the "stora väggen" in Utby, real good climbing!
gustav.thoresson: Gustav leading and Johan descenting
gustav.thoresson: a well chalked hold
gustav.thoresson: Im leading and Gustav seems quite surprised that it's his turn to climb
gustav.thoresson: Johan between walls
gustav.thoresson: descanting from the nose
gustav.thoresson: a boulder
gustav.thoresson: chalking his hands before starting
gustav.thoresson: Gunhillds nose
gustav.thoresson: Johan, preparing to ascend one of the walls in Utby-bergen
gustav.thoresson: Olof looking for Geocaches in-between climbs
gustav.thoresson: the sun is setting, but we managed to do one last climb
gustav.thoresson: now the sun is really setting.