Gwênlyn: Rapid
Gwênlyn: Streaming under the bridge
Gwênlyn: Rapid rapids
Gwênlyn: Fallen tree
Gwênlyn: Maelstrom
Gwênlyn: Waterworks
Gwênlyn: Bridge over frantic water
Gwênlyn: The frantic water
Gwênlyn: Slow wave on rapid wave
Gwênlyn: When reality intrudes into the shadow world
Gwênlyn: Bridge over frantic water - video version
Gwênlyn: Some wall, eh?
Gwênlyn: Into the depths
Gwênlyn: Coffee and hot cholate
Gwênlyn: Windy Lake Wenatchee
Gwênlyn: Spray paint
Gwênlyn: In Leavenworth, WA
Gwênlyn: Timeless gaze
Gwênlyn: Leavenworth
Gwênlyn: Moon
Gwênlyn: Leavenworth
Gwênlyn: Self-portrait on closed door
Gwênlyn: Order here and there
Gwênlyn: Vantage point
Gwênlyn: Let the Sun spin
Gwênlyn: Hopefully Elise isn't an English teacher
Gwênlyn: Tongue flickr
Gwênlyn: Gustav's