gustaf alstromer: Nazareth "illit"
gustaf alstromer: PCC Presentation
gustaf alstromer: New Orient House
gustaf alstromer: Kmana Village
gustaf alstromer: Kmana Village
gustaf alstromer: East Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Kids playing on land owned by Yasser Arafat in East Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Explaining Swedish geography!
gustaf alstromer: IDF broke his ID
gustaf alstromer: Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: IDF, Old City in Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: at Cegas in Haifa
gustaf alstromer: IDF Checkpoint, East Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Happy Birthday!
gustaf alstromer: Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Kmana Village
gustaf alstromer: Kmana Village
gustaf alstromer: Jerusalem
gustaf alstromer: Outside Nazareth
gustaf alstromer: Leila with kid from Kmana
gustaf alstromer: We played soccer with these guys for hours...
gustaf alstromer: Local Kmana-kid