gusset: Crusher get's a scrub
gusset: Crusher get's a scrub
gusset: Crusher, as muse
gusset: Isis and Crusher: cat investigates tortoise
gusset: Today Crusher will be mostly stomping on Katy Perry
gusset: Crusher
gusset: What are you doing in there?
gusset: Mrs P and Crusher
gusset: Crusher at Work
gusset: Crusher, Basking
gusset: Crusher Shoegaze
gusset: Crusher at Work
gusset: Stubborn Creature
gusset: Crusher stars in #petsreadingjarvisham for @mrjimbob
gusset: Playing Tortoises (with Crusher, Toddler & Mrs P)
gusset: Bathtime, Crusher!
gusset: Oh dear. Crusher's shell rot still not cured. =[
gusset: Crusher, Isaac, Cherie
gusset: Time for a shower
gusset: Done
gusset: Crusher
gusset: Fancy a drink?
gusset: Moving Home
gusset: Almost There
gusset: It's A Jungle Out There
gusset: Action
gusset: Crusher
gusset: Tortoise drugging in progress
gusset: Dinosaur meetup
gusset: Tortoise bath