gusgrosch: Dawn Landes and the Hounds
gusgrosch: Dawn Landes
gusgrosch: Dawn Landes
gusgrosch: Dawn Landes and Hound
gusgrosch: Dawn Landes and the Hounds
gusgrosch: Drummer shows off shorts and mouth organ
gusgrosch: Dawn Landes and the Hounds
gusgrosch: Tift and the Band
gusgrosch: At the Amphitheater
gusgrosch: Tift
gusgrosch: The Whole Band
gusgrosch: Before the Rains or 6 days of Rain
gusgrosch: Pedal Steel
gusgrosch: Getting ready after the rain band
gusgrosch: After the first rain band
gusgrosch: After the Rain Merge
gusgrosch: Red Roses and Guitars
gusgrosch: Playing between the Rain bands
gusgrosch: Tift after the first rain
gusgrosch: Second Rain
gusgrosch: Yes it poured
gusgrosch: Letting the Drummer play the Uke