gurana: Charlie Brown never learns (tagged)
gurana: The shit you gotta go through to get into explore!
gurana: brush and shave
gurana: clone fight
gurana: work boots at work
gurana: escher sketcher concept (tagged, 10 things, 1 lie)
gurana: Jeep HDR
gurana: [just barely] Off Road Jeep (HDR)
gurana: Class of '99
gurana: skull 04.02
gurana: a smarter way to shave
gurana: Jeep HDR, selective color
gurana: Looking back
gurana: Sloppy Joes and Natty Bohs (first cut)
gurana: day out with thomas - zach and chad in front of thomas
gurana: day out with thomas - the man himself
gurana: Me with a couple of cuties :D
gurana: lion's den before after
gurana: jelly
gurana: Nate in front of the Capitol
gurana: baltimore aquarium 2
gurana: Jeep HDR
gurana: Sore loser
gurana: East Coast Earthquake Devastation...
gurana: My tactical diaper bag.
gurana: upload
gurana: upload
gurana: newdesktop
gurana: bande - getting in
gurana: Nate at 2009 DM Homecoming