Gunther Moons: Fountain
Gunther Moons: Prambanan
Gunther Moons: Prambanan
Gunther Moons: IMG_0295
Gunther Moons: IMG_0296
Gunther Moons: IMG_0307
Gunther Moons: Temple damaged by earthquake
Gunther Moons: Detail of the damage
Gunther Moons: IMG_1396
Gunther Moons: Only the foundation remains
Gunther Moons: IMG_1418
Gunther Moons: IMG_1420
Gunther Moons: Damage from earthquake
Gunther Moons: IMG_176
Gunther Moons: IMG_178
Gunther Moons: IMG_186
Gunther Moons: IMG_190
Gunther Moons: Listening to the guide
Gunther Moons: The guide