gunstreet.girl: Laryssa = photogenic
gunstreet.girl: Sushi Mori in Coquitlam
gunstreet.girl: too-small shoes
gunstreet.girl: why is this a pencil holder?
gunstreet.girl: squishy grass and a park bench
gunstreet.girl: cold day at New Brighton
gunstreet.girl: eyeballs
gunstreet.girl: all dressed up and nowhere to go
gunstreet.girl: global warming. booya.
gunstreet.girl: cheese, and a plate made out of a bottle
gunstreet.girl: Blood Alley
gunstreet.girl: dollar mug
gunstreet.girl: it needed more mustache wax
gunstreet.girl: holiday hate mail!
gunstreet.girl: it's like a trainwreck
gunstreet.girl: crushing thyme
gunstreet.girl: labeling is important
gunstreet.girl: dressing up for drinks
gunstreet.girl: mountainous
gunstreet.girl: scariest valentine.
gunstreet.girl: deer in the headlights
gunstreet.girl: skull keychain
gunstreet.girl: f u graveyards
gunstreet.girl: why do I consistently appear to have a black eye?
gunstreet.girl: fate wanted me to have these shoes
gunstreet.girl: sad basil :(
gunstreet.girl: change is hard