GunHP: Belum ada Judul #pimpmyphotos courtesy of @mylinn membernof @iphonesia , an indonesian iDevice Photographer Community
GunHP: Good Morning IG friends... Sweet Thoughts & Prayer Are Sent Ur Way To Warm Ur Heart & Bless Ur Day's #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @yopiesuryadi a member of @iphonesia , an Indonesian iDevice Photographer Community
GunHP: Sunday Morning = Dimsum time 
GunHP: Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason HE will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in
GunHP: Reflections - #ancol #indonesia #iphonesia #camera+
GunHP: Morning All... Let's hav a breakfast  for all #iphonesia -ners monggo dinikmati  
GunHP: Goodnight all IG-ers #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @zoelcholid - member of @iphonesia , an Indonesian iDevice Photography Community 
GunHP: Thanks for liking my photos before this. Here i wanna share how's the original photos before retouch it using iP4 app. Thanks to my "Grandmaster" of Instagram in @iphonesia : @yopiesuryadi @jakontil @zoelcholid @bamos @arieslukman @pongkipong @rickykusmay
GunHP: Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. ~ Vietnamese Proverb #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @yopiesuryadi member of @iphonesia , an Indonesian iDevice Photographer Community
GunHP: Pudding anyone? For your desert.... 
GunHP: Susu Segar dikirim fresh khusus buat @gunawanx @yopiesuryadi @jakontil @zoelcholid @rickykusmayadi @iyankpo @mylinn @ferrydwi @andytanamas @kikihalimtan @bamos @cenkii @apelkroak @adekasep and all @iphonesia ... Selamat menikmati susunya  
GunHP:  Good Morning... God is Good all the time ... And All the time God is Good. #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @iyankpo member of @iphonesia an Indonesian iDevice Photographer community.
GunHP: Double Expresso anyone? Almost 3pm here... Let's have some Coffee...
GunHP: "An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight... the truly wise person is colorblind" - NN - Daun Sri Redjeki #green #iphonesia
GunHP: Good Morning folks.... #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @yopiesuryadi member of @iphonesia an Indonesian iDevice Photographer
GunHP: #mydailyverse Luke 1:42 "and blessed is the fruit of your womb." #pimpmyphoto #iphonesia courtesy of @kikihalimtan member of @iphonesia
GunHP: Why is Instagram so Addicted? Because "the Popular Notification" has infected every single part of our life (even in your worksheet...)
GunHP: Ballons #pimpmyphoto #iphonesia courtesy of @tessypenyami edited using colorblast, camera bag and camera+
GunHP: #mydailyverse Matthew 5:45 "In this way, you shall be sons of your Father, who is in heaven. He causes his sun to rise upon the good and the bad, and he causes it to rain upon the just and the unjust." - Let's share our happiness not only to those who ma
GunHP: Sunrise at Santorini - Greece #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @kezsutanto #iphonesia [from original photos, edited with Camera+, Bubble Camera, Lens Flare]
GunHP: Mykonos - Greece #pimpmyphoto courtesy of @kezsutanto
GunHP: "When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator" - Mahatma Gandhi
GunHP: Coffee time anyone? Pagingin @zoelcholid @bamos @jakontil @gunawanx supaya balik kesini janganndi popular page yg sono ajah....
GunHP: Want to know more about me?   #fotonarsis sekali-kali sambil toyor @apelkroak @jakontil @yopiesuryadi @drg_melinda @iyankpo @cenkii @arieslukman @mylinn @babysmurf @kikihalimtan @rickykusmayadi @zoelcholid @bamos @dhewinda @ymufe
GunHP: Lunch Time now.... Let's drink first. Today weather is hot... I need ice water now 
GunHP: #mydailyverse Proverb 21:25 "Desires kill the lazy, for his hands are not willing to work at all.".  morning all IG'ers and all #iphonesia -ners Let's Work  and tell to ourself this statement to start your day : "I am ready to work, I am ready for this
GunHP: Thanks to my 600 followers. Specialfor all of you, here i post my 500th photos uploaded to Instagram .... Your support, your "like" has motivate me to make more great photos in the upcoming days.... Thank You....  
GunHP: Ditangan mereka masa depan bangsa ini "dipertaruhkan" selamat belajar dan menuntut ilmu....
GunHP: #mydailyverse Genesis 28:15 "And I will be your guardian wherever you will journey, ..."  Good Morning to @drg_melinda @jakontil @zoelcholid @gunawanx @yopiesuryadi @apelkroak @kikihalimtan @bamos @iyankpo @cenkii @iphoer @ rickykusmayadi @kezsutanto @a
GunHP: Freedom Menu #grafiti at Betlehem Wall, Israel - Palestine taken with iP4 #noedit #nofilter