Dan Sumption: Alex and Andy's wedding
Dan Sumption: Confetti Moment
Dan Sumption: The First Dance
Dan Sumption: The Best Men
Dan Sumption: Andy and Alex
Dan Sumption: Tim hanging balloons
Dan Sumption: On the wedding bus
Dan Sumption: On the wedding bus
Dan Sumption: wedding speech audience
Dan Sumption: Wedding speech audience
Dan Sumption: Wedding
Dan Sumption: Wedding photographer
Dan Sumption: The Wedding Band
Dan Sumption: Wedding photographers
Dan Sumption: The ceremony
Dan Sumption: Exchanging rings
Dan Sumption: Confetti moment
Dan Sumption: After the photos
Dan Sumption: Best man's speech
Dan Sumption: On the wedding bus
Dan Sumption: Wedding bus arriving in Sheffield
Dan Sumption: Dave setting up the disco
Dan Sumption: Tim decorating the Site Gallery
Dan Sumption: Decorating the Site Gallery
Dan Sumption: Jack & Kate's wedding - the bride's speech
Dan Sumption: Psychedelic Nan
Dan Sumption: Sharp-dressed groom
Dan Sumption: Jack and Kate's wedding
Dan Sumption: Jack and Kate's wedding
Dan Sumption: Jack and Kate's wedding