Guiz1: Sombaguá´s Acoustic Guitar
Guiz1: Alley's Boy
Guiz1: Adventure in the Alley
Guiz1: Making your head
Guiz1: Good and Bad
Guiz1: Alley's Girl
Guiz1: Talking and smoking (ou As Paredes têm Ouvidos)
Guiz1: A lady in love
Guiz1: Monalize
Guiz1: Beco Family
Guiz1: Mirrors
Guiz1: Filarmonic ghosts
Guiz1: LPs II
Guiz1: LPs I
Guiz1: Table Soccer Player II
Guiz1: Hermetic Solo
Guiz1: Brazilian Beer
Guiz1: Beach
Guiz1: The Silent Fight
Guiz1: Mrs. Caterpillar
Guiz1: Brazilian Indian´s Necklaces
Guiz1: Insect
Guiz1: Neuza's Store
Guiz1: Making of V
Guiz1: Urca
Guiz1: Cementerio de los Chullpas
Guiz1: Firefly
Guiz1: Climbing a Tree
Guiz1: Purple Dew (ou Só Frô)
Guiz1: Bad Trees