pedrograndepedro: stencil tshirt
ReNaNZz: Arte Resiste
.laguna.: archaic plural of archaic you
marcelo träsel: Dançando na chuva
chamarelli: Transcendente
LeoniArt: I saw you - please, take a look at the animation on the link below
LeoniArt: Signs of the time
Mariano Peccinetti Collage Art: unknown pleasures to Infinity
NEAL PANDA: Je pars en vacances pendant une semaine. Je répondrai à tout vos mails / messages à mon retour! Je vous retrouve dés la semaine prochaine @ BODY PIERCED à Toulouse! /// I am on holidays for a week. I will answer your mails / messages on my return! I will
Théo Gomes: 20150824144001516_0001
Guilherme Kramer: Mural made of mosaic for a square in Barcelona, catalunya
Guilherme Kramer: El Caire. Mural en Manlleu.
Guilherme Kramer: Kinesthetic
Guilherme Kramer: I have a world of friends inside me, with real and own lives
Guilherme Kramer: Tunel, St. Just, Barcelona
lidiaB*: memories that never change
Matheus Mats: Industrial Normal#6
Thaís Medina: Sobreviventes da II Guerra Mundial
Thaís Medina: Obrigada
Thaís Medina: Só Jesus na causa
Thaís Medina: Pedacinho
Thaís Medina: Me X Time
diegogerlach: Máfia Líquida 001
diegogerlach: {{{ UIVE QUANDO SE SENTIR ETERNO }}}
chamarelli: sombra azul