AdamStewart: IMG_1210
AdamStewart: IMG_1208
AdamStewart: IMG_1207
AdamStewart: "Now this is how you do it..."
AdamStewart: Paul's boat
AdamStewart: Ray with some delicious chicken
AdamStewart: IMG_1201
AdamStewart: IMG_1200
AdamStewart: Dave's Leaving Party at Garry Point Park, Steveston
AdamStewart: Doug, Paul and Dave on Paul's boat
AdamStewart: IMG_1197
AdamStewart: IMG_1196
AdamStewart: IMG_1195
AdamStewart: IMG_1194
AdamStewart: IMG_1193
AdamStewart: IMG_1192
AdamStewart: Ray and Kenn
AdamStewart: Dog with Giant log (well giant compared to the dog)
AdamStewart: Dredger on the river
AdamStewart: Leah and Paul
AdamStewart: IMG_1186