guestcheck: emotion-less
guestcheck: angkor wat
guestcheck: getting handsy
guestcheck: itchy fingers
guestcheck: the ice gang
guestcheck: peace
guestcheck: staring contest
guestcheck: chanty with unidentified baby
guestcheck: eight people... all skipping rope
guestcheck: skipping rope, again
guestcheck: vatana is bored stiff
guestcheck: fumbler
guestcheck: all smiles
guestcheck: follow me!
guestcheck: "does your plane fly this way or that?"
guestcheck: ghost rider
guestcheck: neath whoops with delight
guestcheck: flower in her hair
guestcheck: ask for more
guestcheck: nothing good on tv
guestcheck: looking ahead
guestcheck: "you found us!"
guestcheck: medicine balls for babies