Ron Guest: A view to a storm
Ron Guest: Our Boy
Ron Guest: Pre-Thanksgiving jogging trail fun
Ron Guest: Son, blue but not blue
Ron Guest: DSC_0089.jpg
Ron Guest: Girl Concentrating
Ron Guest: The princess
Ron Guest: Merry Christmas ya'll!
Ron Guest: And today this..
Ron Guest: Sunset
Ron Guest: Sunset
Ron Guest: Love...
Ron Guest: From a walk in the woods
Ron Guest: Mi familia
Ron Guest: Tough group at the lake
Ron Guest: Cowgirl
Ron Guest: Cowboy up
Ron Guest: Cheerleaders
Ron Guest: Love the ceiling in here
Ron Guest: IMG_3613
Ron Guest: Merry Christmas
Ron Guest: My Better Half
Ron Guest: Picture pose
Ron Guest: Early me inside my early handiwork
Ron Guest: Dramatic cloud from today's storm
Ron Guest: Anyone else see a boat anchor in this cloud?
Ron Guest: Storm Drama
Ron Guest: Our Super Moon
Ron Guest: Wheels in the sky
Ron Guest: Cheese!