Alexandra Guerson: the cows in the #valldeboi actually have short legs #sign #signage #cows
Alexandra Guerson: "ah, the mountain air" #cats #valldeboi #pyrenees #durro #tiggerdoesEurope #tiggerandcasper
Alexandra Guerson: #valldeboi #pyrenees #bells view from the bell tower
Alexandra Guerson: view from the bell tower of santa eulalia #valldeboi #pyrenees #landscape #mountains
Alexandra Guerson: tallats/cortados at #valldeboi #erilllavall
Alexandra Guerson: Santa Eulàlia d'Erill la Vall #pyrenees #valldeboi
Alexandra Guerson: #valldeboi #lleida #morning #pyrenees
Alexandra Guerson: village life #pyrenees #valldeboi #lleida
Alexandra Guerson: cemetery #valldeboi #pyrenees #lleida
Alexandra Guerson: ah, the romanesque churches of the #valldeboi #lleida #pyrenees
Alexandra Guerson: #nofilter #morning in the vall de boí #valldeboi #lleida #pyrenees
Alexandra Guerson: simple breakfast in the mountains #valldeboi
Alexandra Guerson: and the sun starts to come down in the mountaina #pyrenees #valldeboi #catalunya #lleida #morning
Alexandra Guerson: #valldeboi #bells #boí
Alexandra Guerson: #valldeboi #romanicvalldeboi #catalunya
Alexandra Guerson: #valldeboi #bells #tower
Alexandra Guerson: Boí, Vall de Boí #pyrenees #catalunya
Alexandra Guerson: Vall de Boí, Pyrenees #travel #catalunya #tigger&casper