guanocurry: angled
guanocurry: muscat grapes....these are the tastiest treats ever!!
guanocurry: inspired by old skool star trek episode 70 (yep, i'm a dork)
guanocurry: cauliflower leaf
guanocurry: blueberry
guanocurry: artichokes
guanocurry: veg stirfry
guanocurry: strawberry from the back of the fridge
guanocurry: peeled blueberry
guanocurry: breakfast of champions!
guanocurry: raspberry-lemon tofu cheezcake
guanocurry: super lemon vegan cheezcake
guanocurry: puttanesca
guanocurry: plum tart
guanocurry: korean melon
guanocurry: roasted veg ready to be put into tofu quiche
guanocurry: heirloom tomato
guanocurry: Cake for Kim's last day
guanocurry: Adios Muchacha
guanocurry: forbidden fruit
guanocurry: bacon chocolate cake
guanocurry: zombie cupcakes