guanocurry: holding patiently still while i took the picture
guanocurry: my new furry little bundle of joy snoozing
guanocurry: catching some zzzzz's
guanocurry: kitty-loaf
guanocurry: lady #2 running on the wheel..we think she is training for a marathon
guanocurry: the spectral visage of the brown and white lady
guanocurry: wet and sad from her ringworm rinse
guanocurry: wising he could go out and play
guanocurry: awwww!
guanocurry: assed-out!!!
guanocurry: naptime!
guanocurry: rolling around in catnip
guanocurry: little rodent friend
guanocurry: posing
guanocurry: poor kittykitty had to get shaved to help combat the ringworm
guanocurry: not sure what the heck is going on
guanocurry: kitty shanks
guanocurry: bullseye
guanocurry: plotting my demise
guanocurry: sneaking up on the plastic ring
guanocurry: assed out was damn hot that day!
guanocurry: sleepy kittie emerging from her blankets