Sustainable sanitation:
Biochar briquettes produced from artificial faeces by the Sol-Char System
Sustainable sanitation:
Biochar briquettes produced from artificial faeces by the Sol-Char System
Sustainable sanitation:
Biochar produced from artificial faeces by the Sol-Char System
Sustainable sanitation:
Pyrolysis reaction vessel (left) and collection vessel (right)
Sustainable sanitation:
Vessels (pyrolysis reactors) that can be rotated to switch from collection to reaction
Sustainable sanitation:
Exhaust filter using biochar produced by the system to absorb odors
Sustainable sanitation:
Sol-char reaction vessel where faeces is converted to biochar
Sustainable sanitation:
Solar energy concentrators used to heat and treat waste (energy transmitted via fibre optics cables)
Sustainable sanitation:
Sol-Char exhibit including both waste collection and treatment units
Sustainable sanitation:
Poster explaining future plans for development of the Sol-Char System
Sustainable sanitation:
Poster explaining the Sol-Char System