Sustainable sanitation:
Kakiri research site (overview)
Sustainable sanitation:
Greywater tower (from another research project)
Sustainable sanitation:
Greywater tower (from another research project)
Sustainable sanitation:
Our car at the Kakiri research site
Sustainable sanitation:
Visitors at Kakiri research site
Sustainable sanitation:
Charles showing cow manure to Heike
Sustainable sanitation:
Before SuSan Design took over the site 4th Q 2011
Sustainable sanitation:
Seedlings in bags made of newspaper
Sustainable sanitation:
Seedlings for planting in prepared beds
Sustainable sanitation:
Drums with septic tank sludge with different amounts of urea added
Sustainable sanitation:
Tank A is the control and tank B has the urea in it (both tanks contain septic tank sludge)
Sustainable sanitation:
Urea treatment taking place in closed bins
Sustainable sanitation:
Partner from SSWARS and the Makerere University in Kampala inspecting the treatment set up.
Sustainable sanitation:
Large units for urea treatment of faecal sludge
Sustainable sanitation:
urban bio materials (organic waste)
Sustainable sanitation:
Mixing the compost heap manually
Sustainable sanitation:
Mixing the compost heap manually (video)
Sustainable sanitation:
Mixing the compost heap manually, water is being added for right moisture content (video)
Sustainable sanitation:
Mixing the compost heap manually
Sustainable sanitation:
Tested composting units
Sustainable sanitation:
View inside of the composter
Sustainable sanitation:
Timetable of operations
Sustainable sanitation:
View inside of a nearly empty composter
Sustainable sanitation:
Temperature measurement
Sustainable sanitation:
Low cost round water drums (with a door cut into them to enable easy access for emptying)
Sustainable sanitation:
Mixing the compost heap manually
Sustainable sanitation:
Compost heap where menstrual pads had been added
Sustainable sanitation:
The checklist for the composting
Sustainable sanitation:
Fuel made from organic waste (e.g. bananas) and some clay
Sustainable sanitation:
the 2 toilets at the Kakiri research site