Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland with Sludge Mineralisation
Sustainable sanitation:
Typical layout of a vertical flow constructed wetland in France
Sustainable sanitation:
2 stage vertical flow constructed wetland with sludge mineralisation included in the first stage, process scheme
Sustainable sanitation:
Coarse screen with manual removal
Sustainable sanitation:
Flow measurement channel (venturi channel)
Sustainable sanitation:
Siphon chamber for gravity driven intermittent loading
Sustainable sanitation:
Outlet of the siphon chamber towards the filters
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage, scheme
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage, 3 parallel units. Siphon chamber in the foreground
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage, 3 parallel units
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage, 3 parallel units
Sustainable sanitation:
Vertical flow planted filters, 1st treatment stage, 3 parallel units.
Sustainable sanitation:
Sludge mineralisation on 1st stage vertical flow planted filters
Sustainable sanitation:
2nd stage vertical flow planted filter, 2 parallel units. Siphon chamber in the foreground
Sustainable sanitation:
2nd stage vertical flow planted filter, 2 parallel units. Siphon chamber in the foreground
Sustainable sanitation:
Infiltration trench